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"Your ships will never come in until
you first send them out!"

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Member to member
email Marketing

All our members are entrepreneurs involved in, or interesting in getting involved in the work from home industry. Legacy Mailz is a fantastic ready-made, warm market for your promotions.

Easily communicate
your Message

Anyone can use Legacy Mailz. No special skills are needed, and we’re always around to lend a helping hand. Let your creative juices flow and create stunning email promotions using our easy WYSIWYG editor.

private inbox

Legacy Mailz uses a permission-based platform that gives members their own inbox separate from their private one. We don’t tolerate spam, adult subjects, or black hat services.

"Be it by horse, boat, foot, or wing, Legacy Mailz delivers!"

- The Motto of the Legacy Mailz Trade Company

The Legacy Mailz Trade Company handles the delivery of letters, scrolls, and a variety of goods from across the Realms and beyond! Join Legacy Mailz to discover a treasure trove of offers that can aid you in your quest to build a successful business online. Marketers can use Legacy Mailz to promote their offers to real people using our unique viral mailer. Legacy Mailz is a truly magical mailing platform and every member that joins wants to see promotional offers.

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Joining is FREE! No credit card is needed!

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